
Azure Festival - Super spot, great people

The 3 days we spent in Terceira, Azores, were awesome. The weather was ok, the place of the festival was great and the organization was really fantastic (Miguel, Paulo, Bruno e Rui). When we got there we met a local girlfriend who introduced us to the whole festival people. We were at home (thanks Natacha!).

We didn't take any beamers with us, so the empty projection surface at the chill out area was to stay that way until the end of the festival. And what a shame, as the spot was unique, the music great (20h/day?) and the only thing missing was a nice visual on the surrounding forest. Well, next time...

The main stage welcomed a couple of new local bands, from rock-covers to metal originals. We only performed when the DJs took place, normally around midnight. We had a 6x4 screen next to the stage and a 5.000L beamer. If we have the chance next year, this is definetely something to upgrade (beamers location, stage design and light vs video interaction).
Great concerts to remark: the voice of Starr Faithfull, the beautiful sound of Rosa Negra (mixing Fado with ethnic rhythms), the energy of Kussondulola, the good taste of Goma and the power of Tara Perdida.

As far as the DJs are concerned, I must point out the quality of all local DJs that hanged mainly in the Chill Out zone, especially DJ Psytoon, Lino and João Luis. The lisbon trio Elektrofighterz (Dj Alif, DJ Triboli and DJ Dresh) made a show-off during the days of the festival, also swinging between stages and always putting everyone's feet to dance. Jesus del Campo music was just like his appearance - it came and went very swiftly but with a remarkable presence...

Finally, let me point out the very good company of some Kussondulola musicians, the warm water of Azores, the beautiful women with great spirit and energy, the grilled "lapas" and all crew members from the Festival, especially Soraia.
We hope to be there again next year. We made a lot of new friends, the environment is unique and the festival is really set to grow...


Anonymous said...

Bem!Desde já kero te agradecer à tua mãe por te ter posto no mundo e me teres proporcionado um festival com altas imagens.Ehehe. E não só claro, adorei te ter conhecido, agradeço ao Pedro tb por isso, e os teus comentários ao Festival foram dos mais honestos k já li e é assim k se evolui. Espero te ver no ano para vivermos mais um final de semana em good vibes. Namasté

Anonymous said...

Foi um prazer ter conhecido vocês e realmente foi pena a Zona do Chill Out não ter sido ilustrada com as belas imagens que vocês projectam.
Para o próximo Azure não será esquecida essa parte "fundamental".
E claro que ficamos à espera de vocês.
Fiquem bem e obrigado pela apreciação feita.
Abraço, Lino

Miguel Linhares said...

Obrigado pela força, pelos elogios e pelas criticas. Para o ano será melhor, acredito...De vossa parte ficou uma imagem e credibilidade muito positiva.