
VJ Theory organiza discussões/chats online

No âmbito do projecto VJ Theory, que Ana Carvalho e Brendan Byrne têm estado a levar a cabo no Reino Unido, eis que aparece uma nova iniciativa dedicada a todos os VJs a artistas visuais.

De 4 a 6 de Abril, às 10h da manhã e às 7h da tarde (London Time), 6 moderadores irão acompanhar 6 chats online com a duração de uma hora cada sobre diversos temas ligados à Interação em Tempo Real.

Estão todos convidados a participar!

Programa de dia 4:

Michael Betancourt

Authorship is often considered as a simple dichotomy between what can be characterized as the epistemological concerns with sources and origins familiar from Barthes, Foucault, et. al. and ontological ones with the empirical, physical producer who creates the text as object-under-consideration. Far from being incompatible, or even critical of one another, this paired understanding of authorship is undergoing a fusion in digital technology. Not only in appropriation/remixes but also in the form of generated-content such as Amazon.com's "Page I Made" where the mechanical recording of actions produces a variety of "digital authorship" that is essentially a valorization of the authorship concept: activity as authorship; authorship as constitutive of commodity-generating data. This discussion will explore these ideas.
Federico Bonelli

Unconventional approaches to interactivity in new-media and a search for roots in avant-guard theories and practices. How does this relate to the design of new objects? How these objects can relate to situation space and modify it's architecture and the way people experience it?

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