Videomorphose has been around since 2004.
Pushing forward edgy vector animation with cinematographic composition and collage, this project has been continuously evolving into new AV formats, clubbing concepts and exclusive contents for events.
Lisboa quer mostrar-se, quer ter espaço para o experimentalismo, para as novas tendências de som e de imagem. Um mês depois da primeira edição do Shuffle – Lisbon Audiovisual Experience, redobra-se o esforço para mostrar à cidade o que de melhor se produz no universo das artes sonoras e gráficas lisboetas. Muita batida e movimento. É a promessa para o segundo tomo, que arranca já a 30 de Abril. Durante três fins-semana, uma antiga, enorme e esquecida tipografia do Bairro Alto vai transformar-se em palco para DJ’s e VJ’s, concertos, intervenções artísticas e workshops.
Luis Cardoso (aka Videomorphose) actua dia 7 com os Atomic Tour Project (filme-concerto). Actuo novamente dia 14 num VJ set com o DJ Rui do Incógnito. está ainda agendado um informal workshop sobre Comunidade VJ, Videograffiti e o software VDMX.
IFIF is a non-profit Film and Internet Festival based in Idanha-a-Nova, Portugal. IFIF main aim is to raise consciousness about environmental issues through the audio-visual media. IFIF will be an annual event where new ideas and skills are traded in.
IFIF primary goals are to provide a venue for environmental audio-visual productions & internet geeks to share and consider each other’s work in addition commencing new markets for environmental media productions and also to inspire people to get involved to ecological issues and to create change.
IFIF Film Festival tries to highlight with a holistic approach to sustainable living, the growing citizens movement from around the globe and show solutions available. Moreover, we hope to encourage the audience to connect to their higher consciousness and a sustainable living vision. Check the website here. Call for papers going on until Jun 30.